Friday, April 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ Just like daddy

My husband was panting a picture for my mom's kitchen and little man wanted to help (LOL!) so we set up his easel right next to daddy's! He kept looking at Daddy's painting and looking back at his like they were doing the same thing. He wants to be just like daddy when he grows up 8o)


Mrs. Stam said...

that is a priceless sweet picture! love it!

ParentingPink said...

OH, so sweet! Love it! Thanks for letting Parenting Pink publish your article - I'll email you separately :-) Happy WW!

Sara Bonds said...

Super cute. I am seeing a lot of WW posts today of "copy cat" children. hehe

This is a great picture. It looks like you have a little artist on your hands now :o)

Happy WW from Sara @ Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ!

Joy said...

What a great moment to capture!

Happy WW! And Happy Earth Day!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

That is so precious. Love Daddy and Kiddo moments.

Anonymous said...

he's gonna be a lefty just like his papa!!! too cute!


Staci A said...

Taking after daddy! Very cute!

Night Owl Mama said...

grandma mght like his picture more than dh

natalie said...

so sweet!!

The Joys of having Boys said...

That is a great picture! I have one with J#1 when he was two under the car with MM working on it. Priceless memories.

Alexandra said...

aww!!! what a sweet picture!