Monday, January 11, 2010

20wks & Nursery Idea Board!

20 Weeks Pregnant!!
Well, I have officially hit the 5 month mark and that means I am over half way there!!! My sweet baby boy is moving more than ever and is even kicking hard enough that Daddy just got to feel him! I am still sick here and there, but that is definitely getting better. I have started doing yoga on Wii fit, to stay healthy and active so I can stick to my goal of not gaining more that 25-30lbs with pregnancy! I have only gained 13lbs so far!! yay! {that is a BIG difference that my pregnancy with little man- I guess you live and learn, huh?!}
Little man is starting to understand a bit more and gets exciting about picking out things {registry and such} for his sweet brother!
We have a name picked out, I just need help with a "blog name" for him?!?!?!

Since we now know we are having a boy {!!}, I thought I would spend some time making a new inspiration board for the nursery and throw this one out! {GRIN}
We have already received the bedding {YAY!} and so here are the ideas that sprang from it:

For great nursery ideas I turn to Project Nursery and Spearmint Baby. To put together the fun collages, I used Picnik {and it was free!}

Any ideas you love? What are your ideas??

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Mrs. Stam said...

you look absolutely adorable! And your cute baby bump is coming along!

I'm not far behind you (17 1/2 weeks) and same here still feeling sick from time to time but overall better :-)

Hoping that the sick feeling will end soon :-)

Liz Mays said...

I love what you've come up with! Spearmint Baby is a great site too!