Sunday, August 16, 2009

Birthday Boy!

My nephew just turned 5! I cannot believe he is this big already. We celebrated his special day at a bounce house back in my home town. We adults even had some fun in laser tag!


Here my nephew is helping little man play basket ball

Pretending with Daddy


...and jumping!

Slide time!

Yes, even I had to give it a try {crazy face, i know.}

skeeball starring little man and my niece

We even had fun with unconventional things, such as a large shop fan!

Adult time! My brother, sister-in-law, me and my husband ready to play laser tag. What the photo doesn't quite show, is the lack of working laser tag vests. Only the boys played! {but it worked out well, as they were sweaty pigs when they came out!}



After the party, we went to visit Mimi! {and Lucy her dog}

Grammy and Poppy

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1 comment:

Pam said...

Oh! I love lazer tag. Even without the vests. I just love chasing people! lol
Happy birthday to little man!