Friday, July 10, 2009

Dress like a Cow for FREE Chicken

Friday was "dress like a cow and get free chicken" day at Chick-fil-a. Thanks to our friends the "V" family, we decided to be brave and go dressed like! We had fun, little man went on and on about the "cows."

what would you do for free Chick-fil-a?? 8-)

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IrinaBohemianDance said...

Very nice photos!

Happy ww!

Jennifer said...

What a fun day! Great costumes and wonderful food. Happy WW!

MadeInCanarias said...

Great photos!

Liz Mays said...

I think it's so cool that you went for it!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

What a great promotion! Cute cows.

Kati said...

Haha! That is awesome! I've always wanted to take the kids to do that.. but havent yet!

kyle said...

pins are a much better idea--we always use tape and the wind blows half the spots off before we get inside. very cute! and your meal doesn't look nearly as appetizing as a fried chicken sandwich with waffle fries!! :)
--natalie, signed in under kyle (sorry about that!)

Susie said...

Oh my gosh, that is so fun!!! Great pictures:-)

Susan Cook said...

All that for free? I might consider dressing up as a cow too then.

Cool shots.

Happy WW!

Muthering Heights said...

What cute cows!

sunnymama said...

What a fun day out!