Monday, August 16, 2010

Pool Playgroup

When you can't beat the Texas heat...

Meet up with friends and cool off in the pool!

I do have to say that this day started off horrible for me. When we first got to the pool, little man was told to wait by the chair until I got his tube inflated. In the time I got the tube out of my bag and started to blow it up, little man found his way in to the hot tub part of the pool. Of course you know that it is about 2 feet on the bench perimeter, but drops off in the center. Well in the flash of an eye, I look over and saw little mans head bobbing and arms flailing. {gosh i am crying while typing this and my heart is beating out of my chest} I dropped the tube and reached for his arm and he slipped out of my arm twice. I frantically jumped in with all of my clothes on and scooped him up in my arms. Thankfully, my husband that has lifeguarded for YEARS and taught many swim lessons, has already taught little man so much. He held his breath the whole time that was happening and was moving his arms and legs enough that he stayed up at the top of the water where I could see he was in trouble. He recovered quick but I was a mess the rest of the playdate. We actually didn't stay long and I cried for a good hour when I got home.  

Here he is no longer than 15minutes after that happened

Gosh I love that kid!

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